When You're In Pain, Almost Nothing Else Matters

At least, that’s how it definitely seems. Because when you’re in pain, your nervous system is designed to constantly draw your attention to it…over and over and OVER again. And this seems to be true whether the pain is mental, physical, or emotional—the body, mind and soul call out to be heard. And it can get LOUD,

when you’re in pain

we can help

So first, I just want to acknowledge how dark this place can be. It may feel hopeless and utterly exhausting. It may feel like you’re just constantly on a treadmill, trying to outrun it. If this is speaking to you, I send you love and peace, and a message of hope. Because while pain in our life is inevitable, there are many ways that we can reduce our suffering. Here are just a few things we can do.

  • Close your eyes, place a hand over your heart, and direct gentle, loving your attention to your pain. Honor and witness these energies without judgement. Ask yourself what the message your body is sending you. Send yourself words of compassion such as “It is very hard to feel this pain, and I am doing the best I can with it. I am here for my pain, and wish for myself peace.” Wrap your arms around yourself with love.

  • Mindfulness and guided meditation and visualization. has been shown to have amazing benefits for dealing with pain. There’s so many resources out there to try, like the Insight Timer, Sounds True, and even Youtube!

  • Breathwork—Oh yes, this one is huge! And I just so happen to teach it! We often disconnect or disassociate with our pain. Breathwork allows you to connect with your body, with your pain and listen to the energy. You then can use the breath to shift these energies, breathing into the pain and discomfort. Check out my “Group Embodied Breathing Class” under the “Workshops and Wellness Tab.”

  • Craniosacral Therapy! If you’re not familiar, check out my January 20, 2024 post on “What is Craniosacral Therapy?” Or schedule a call with Theresa for a free consult (find her in the “About” tab).

  • Reach out to Christine for some Bodymind Coaching! Your body is always talking and pain is a signal from the body simply saying that something isn’t right here. Through conversation and embodiment we start to learn the language of your body. When we learn to listen we can power shifts in your life and your healing.

  • Find Connection: Feeling alone with our pain can magnify our suffering. Not only does connection with others get us out of our heads, it helps provide us with the vital social support that we all need to thrive.

  • Finally…laugh! Find something funny to watch, read or listen to. It may seem like the last thing you want to do, but laughter releases endorphins, which reduce pain. So turn on some Chris Rock or Amy Schumer (am I dating myself?) or your favorite comedic film, and just let yourself laugh!

Just know, you are not alone. I see so many people in pain, and I am here to help guide you on your healing journey.

Happy Vernal Equinox!

The Spring Equinox is here and I feel so ready for it!! All of the energy around rebirth, renewal, awakening and warmth is exactly what I need right now, even though our winter was not as blistering as usual, it was still…well, winter! So I like to honor and embody Spring with some small rituals, and thought I’d share!

Intention Setting: Did you know that the Spring Equinox is considered the Astrological New Year? (I mean, makes sense right? It’s when we plant seeds, it’s when nature begins her next cycle of growth, etc.) So this makes it the perfect time to set (or renew!) any intentions you have for the next cycle. Hint: don’t get bogged down in the details…go big, go expansive! The rest will work itself out :)

Spend Time Outside: Get outside, even for just five minutes, and really feel the earth beneath your feet. Smell the way the air is different now. Feel the sun on your cheeks. Try to engage all five senses and let Spring fully into your body.

Move Your Body: That’s all. Just move. In any way that feels good—walk, dance, sway, roll around on the floor, wiggle, run…just let your body lead!

Practice Cleansing Breaths: Throughout the day, practice taking some deep cleansing breaths. On the inbreath, picture breathing in new beginnings. On the outbreath, letting go of old stagnant energy that’s ready to be released.

Cleanse: One of my favorite Spring rituals is cleansing myself and my space with Sage or Palo Santo. There is something so sacred about using fire and smoke (not to mention the delicious smell) as an act of clearing out old or stagnant energy. Intentionally bring yourself into the act of cleansing, and feel the renewal it brings!

Ask Spring What it Wants for You: I know, crazy concept, right? But sometimes it’s extremely illuminating to stop trying to find our own way, and to focus instead on what the Universe might be seeking for us. What is Spring wanting to birth for you? What version of yourself is it asking you to reveal? What would Spring love for you to start that you haven’t yet? Ps I’d love to hear the answers/insights from this exercise!!

How do you celebrate Spring? Please share!

We Need Social Connections...Here's Why

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, the fact is that we need others. In fact, social connections are essential to health and wellbeing. Check out this direct quote from the CDC: “People with stronger social bonds have a 50% increased likelihood of survival than those who have fewer social connections.” Quite literally, our quality of life depends on having supportive, diverse, and enduring social connections. I’ve said it so many times before, WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO DO THIS ALONE.

Yet, our culture and lifestyles don’t always support the kind of authentic, supportive social connection that we need to thrive. Often, we are running from work to school to dinner to collapse just before bed (and don’t forget scrolling on social!). Our time to  authentically connect is often limited, and sometimes, so is our network of individuals with whom we have an opportunity to connec

This is why I feel so lucky so often, because so much of what I do is about building these authentic and healthy connections! For the last year, I’ve co-led a women’s circle with my colleague Michelle Kitsmiller, and I can truly say it’s been an honor and a privilege to work with such amazing souls. And, we are starting another one this spring! In circle we create intentional, dedicated space in your life for healthy connection, a chance to expand your social network in an aligned and safe space, and to learn and grow in spirit along the way! You belong, and you deserve to feel that way. If you’re interested just go to my contact page to schedule a chat or email me at christine@honumn.com.

No matter what, find your tribe!

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

You may have heard the term Craniosacral Therapy (also referred to as “CST”) thrown around here and there. But what exactly is it? Well, CST is a gentle, hands-on modality that releases tensions stored deep within the body, while maintaining a light touch. A Craniosacral Practitioner utilizes the craniosacral pulse to assess areas of restriction in the cranium, sacrum, and cerebrospinal fluid. The delicate flow of the fluids is sensed by the practitioner, and they are guided by this rhythm. This results in unwinding of blockages stored in fascia, muscles, and the energy body. This promotes balance in not only the central nervous system, but in all systems of the body such as the endocrine, immune, and respiratory systems. Many conditions that can be helped by CST include; anxiety, concussions, depression, chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, whiplash and more.

Truly, anyone can benefit from CST. It is an incredibly grounding, balancing form of healing work that combines energetic and physical practices. During CST, people often experience a deep sense of relaxation and well-being. It is truly an experience in being “held,” and this often allows the body to release whatever it needs to in order to heal.

As with so many things in life, the only way to know if CST is for you is to try it out. And thank goodness, we have you covered there! Theresa Terry is our new in-house CST practitioner. CLICK HERE to learn more about her!

xo, Christine


Although it definitely feels like summer has arrived here in Minnesota (hello 90-degree heat), summer doesn’t officially arrive until June 21. I want to acknowledge that fact for two reasons. First, time goes by so very quickly these days; I think it’s important to s l o w d o w n , be present, and not get so ahead of ourselves. Second, it means there is still time to finish any spring cleaning, or spring cleansing as it were, that you may have wanted to complete, but that slipped through your fingers. If you still have some cobwebs to dust or some releasing to do, here are some ideas for you!

Ionic foot baths are a safe and relaxing way to help clear toxins out of the body, enhance the immune system and balance the body's pH through the feet (and hands).They help to restore the body's energy and balance while facilitating and aiding its natural detoxification process. If you have been suffering from allergies this spring, feeling sluggish or inflamed, then a series of foot baths may be exactly what you need. (P.S. These are available for you to schedule at Honu!)

Dry Brushing is one of my favorite ayurvedic rituals to incorporate in my at home self-care routine. Dry brushing nourishes your skin by exfoliating off all the dry, dead skin that accumulates over the winter. This allows the skin to breath and gives it a healthy appearance. It also helps increase circulation by stimulating the lymphatic system. Honu has several dry brushes to choose from, including a facial brush

Breathwork: It is often said that everything you need to heal is already inside you, and this could not be more true when it comes to breathwork; it is probably one of the best tools our body has to naturally detox. Breathwork reconnects you to your body, increases your immune response, decreases the stress and tension trapped in the body, and releases endorphins to boost your mood and give you a natural high. Yes, all of this from breathing. Start today by taking three deep belly breaths, becoming more aware of your breath each practice.  Contact me if you’d like to learn more!

Any of these practices can help you to feel cleansed and renewed in an incredibly short period of time, and I truly hope they help you! I’m always here to answer any questions you might have. Happy STILL SPRING CLEANSING!

Love, Christine

Local Resources

A note from Christine:

"A healthy lifestyle extends far beyond your time with me. It is my intention to provide my clients with access to the best people, products, practitioners, and places to facilitate optimum health. Below are my secrets to a healthy lifestyle, the best of the best in the Twin Cities Metro and beyond in terms of alternative medicine, lifestyle, and organics.  Enjoy!"

Balanced is a holistic health care practice in Woodbury, Minnesota that is dedicated to locating where stresses are in the body and what is leading to these stresses using non-cognitive biofeedback technology.

Blooma a mother centered business with several locations in the Twin Cities metro area offering a variety of resources for expecting mothers including yoga classes, childbirth education workshops, and wellness opportunities.

Cleanse Natural Health Spa located in Woodbury, Minnesota is a state of the art health spa providing patients with access to safe, sanitary, and FDA approved colon hydrotherapy and infrared sauna treatments by trained therapists.  

Crocus Hill Oriental Medicine  Susan is experienced in treating a full range of conditions and diseases. She is particularly interested in helping with the stresses and transformative potential in different stages of life, such as adolescence, pregnancy, parenting and menopause or while undergoing treatment for cancer.   

Full Nest Inc. offers creative interior design and decorating, as well as original artwork and custom murals to Saint Paul and Minneapolis clients. Honu therapeutic massage has had the unique opportunity to collaborate with Full Nest, Inc. when designing its space in Saint Paul, MN as well as some projects at home. 

Gem-Water  Gem-Water’s collection of products offers a unique and beautiful way to stay hydrated. Each type of gem, by nature, has a unique energetic charge. The gems inside VitaJuwel vials transfer their energy to the water that surrounds the vial improving the water’s vitalization level.

Motion was formed to offer individuals in the Twin Cities area a patient-first, outcome-focused physical therapy option. Motion physical therapists are highly trained, leaders of the physical therapy field, and dedicated to ongoing teaching and learning. 

OPTP Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products is an outlet for high-quality orthopedic, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and fitness products and education for those looking to improve their health. 

Rivergarden Yoga Center offers a variety of morning, afternoon and evening yoga and meditation classes for all levels of experience -- from beginner to advanced. It is located within blocks from honu and where Christine holds certain workshops. 

Secoya Health in Woodbury, Minnesota is a progressive health care clinic with a mission to heal patients by offering insights into what may be impinging on reaching maximum health, educate patients on how to maintain healthy lifestyle choices, and empower patients to take hold of their health goals long term.   

Pranarom here at honu we carry only the best essential oils around. They are not only a Minnesota based company, but they are also certified organic. Each and every one of their products begin with sustainably harvested organic plants that have been distilled or pressed into pure oils. They experts in Scientific Aromatherapy and safely harness the active properties of plants for vibrant health and wellness.  

Whole Family Chiropractic  Dr. Tye and Dr. Chelsey provide care for the whole family.  If you are looking for extremely gentle, yet powerfully effective chiropractic care (no twisting, turning, popping, or cracking…and even better results) this is the place for you. At Whole Family Chiropractic, they in a unique form of neurological chiropractic known as Torque Release Technique (TRT).

Some of my favorite books, ted talks and wellness resources in one spot.

Recommending reading list:


Recommended reading list for pre/post baby:


Ted talks: 


  • HEAL: The Most Powerful Healer is Within

  • Brené Brown: The Call to Courage

  • The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Hungry For Change Official Home Page - A Food Matters Film

  • Food Matters - You are what you eat

Check back often for updates and new adds. For daily inspiration and resources join the nourish your life whole community


Ionic foot baths are a safe and relaxing way to help clear toxins out of the body through the feet (and hands). It works by ionizing the foot bath water (H2O), giving hydrogen in the water a positive charge.  The positive charge is said to attract the negatively charged toxins in the body when a participant places their feet in the bio-energetic water. This flow of ions increases cellular function. Thus, ionic foot baths are beneficial by themselves, and even more beneficial when paired with massage therapy.

The Body Balance System used at Honu was designed and developed to restore the body's energy and balance while facilitating and aiding in its natural detoxification process. The Body Balance System uses a direct current similar to that of the human body to create an ionic field. This device has been proven in clinical trials to balance and restore the body's pH and electromagnetic energy. Studies have also shown that more cellular ATP is produced during treatment, which encourages the cells to function and detoxify at a higher rate. This systematic process tends to displace toxins out of the cells and into the bath water as well as displace toxins into the body’s elimination channels for recycling and/or disposal. Utilizing the Sea-Onic footbath will significantly enhance one’s wellness protocols and goals for optimal health.


  • Purging of heavy metals.

  • Balancing of pH level.

  • Reducing inflammation.

  • Purging of yeast.

  • Detoxifying the liver.

  • Cleansing of liver, kidneys, and parasites with full-body purge.

  • Enhancing the immune system.


  • Arthritis

  • Allergies

  • Chronic pain

  • Multiple chemical sensitivities

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Edema

  • Inflammation


  • Have a pacemaker or a heartbeat regulating device

  • Have had an organ transplant

  • Suffer from psychotic episodes or seizures

  • Have advanced stages of diabetes

  • Have epilepsy

  • Pregnant or lactating

  • Have open wounds

  • Child under the age of 8

To schedule your next Ionic Foot Bath, CLICK HERE.