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A transformative retreat cultivating a deep sense of

joy and connection

Saturday June 22nd from 10am- 4pm

Are you ready to invite JOY–I mean real, divine, authentic, capital letter J-O-Y into your life? Do you want to learn how to create joy in your day to day, and more importantly, how to cultivate that joy so it’s sustainable for the long haul, so that you can shine that bright light inside of you?

If so, I've got something special for you (and if not, totally cool! ;) honor of the Summer Solstice, I'm hosting a day retreat that's ALL ABOUT LEANING INTO YOUR INNER JOY, SPARKING YOUR PASSION + SHINING YOUR BRIGHTNESS!!

On SATURDAY JUNE 22nd from 10am - 4pm we will explore all things Joy: what is Joy anyways? Is it the same as fun? Is it a feeling or a state of mind? Is it a fleeting thing? Or can it be integrated into our daily lives in a way that is reliable and consistent? Where does it come from? And most importantly, what is your personal relationship with Joy? How do you experience it? How do you want to experience it? And what do you perceive might be standing in the way of being able to live a joy filled life? Together we will navigate these questions and more.

Tap into your inner fire, your heart energy, where your passion and desires live, and harness the BRIGHTEST most VIBRANT time of year (the solstice) to open yourself up and develop practices for creating, and sustaining, a more joyful existence.

Let’s come together in circle and SHINE YOUR BRIGHTEST at this full day retreat! If this sparks something inside of you or if it calls to you in any way, register HERE or using the BUTTON below or reach out if you have questions! This retreat will be held half the day at Honu and half in nature (weather permitting). Spaces are limited to an intimate group setting.

Total Investment for this full day retreat is
$297/per person

Early Bird Pricing
Sign up now - thru May 25th
$199/per person

Why the Summer Solstice? The Summer Solstice brings us to our peak energies of the year. The sun is quite literally shining on with its fullest expression upon our faces, encouraging us to turn towards it and open ourselves up to what lights us up from within…in other words, what brings us true joy! The solstice is the perfect time to discern what is working to bring us the joy we deserve, and what might be standing in our way. The light is shining, waiting to illuminate our highest good, there’s always light in the shadows! 

In this retreat, you will receive (but not limited to):

  • Aligned steps to identify what brings us joy, and discover how to cultivate and amplify our capacity for more joy in our daily lives;

  • Practicing the embodiment of joy, while holding space for all of our emotions;

  • Connect with nature, ourselves and each other;

  • Spark our creative energies with art and play;

  • Balance and align your solar plexus and sacral chakra; and more!

This retreat is for you if you:

  • Are looking to cultivate more joy in their lives in a safe, yet deep, container. 

  • Are tired of feeling tired, dissatisfied, angry or apathetic. 

  • Are operating on auto-pilot far too much, instead of truly engaging with life. 

  • Need gentle assistance allowing joy back into their life.

  • Long for, but feel afraid to, actually step into a joyful existence. 

  • Are wanting to connect to yourself and your passions. 

This retreat is not for those:

  • Who aren’t ready to explore their own roles in the creation of joy, or who want to tell others how they *should* be living (the word “should” is actually a joy-killer!).

  • Seeking quick fixes (although we think you’ll be amazed at how quickly Joy finds her way to you!).

This retreat is NOT about toxic positivity. We are creating a container to explore the role of joyfulness in our lives. We are not disavowing or negating our full life experiences, including sorrow, sadness, fear, and other more difficult experiences. (In fact, we can’t have one without the other!)