Hi! I’m Christine, and as a BodyMind Coach, my interest and passion are in holistic healing and supporting others in connecting to the wisdom of their body. This passion stems from a deep-rooted desire to achieve a healthy and well self, a value that was instilled through my own healing journey. See, I used to live in a complete state of burnout. As a BodyMind coach and massage therapist I knew all the things to do for self-care: acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition, and more. But, my problem was that I was looking outside of myself to be “fixed.”
Once I started doing my own inner work, I turned my passions into a profession that could uphold my core values and allow me to stay connected to myself.
Now, I coach and support clients to stop ignoring the signs and symptoms their bodies’ are telling them, and instead open their hearts to fully feel what it is the body needs to feel healthy and happy. This in turn allows them to cultivate this energy into positive changes they can see and feel good about in their everyday lives. In fact, when a client reconnects with the body and listens to what it's saying, the positive effects ripple through so many other facets of life.